0 Amazon Kindle sold in the United States fire

Kindle fire offers a wide range of digital content, including movies, TV shows, applications and books, but it was on sale in just nine months.Enders analyst Benedict Evans said that Amazon launched a new version of the Kindle fire in the coming weeks, but facing strong competition."It is a dead certainty that will publish a new version". But if the Kindle first came out of fire, it was a unique offering. There was no other way, a device of this size and price. This is not the long case."Google is the nexus 7 at the same price with much stronger and much better screen now sell." "Amazon really need a competitive response very quickly."Mr Evans said the launch of the mini Apple Inc., October, expects also disturbing for payment from Amazon.
There are widespread rumors that Apple come out with a tablet with a similar price and size of the Kindle. In this case, they blow everyone else out of the water. "Do if the IOS why buy a $200 Kindle fire or link with a $300 come?"Today, Amazon announced the launch of its own choice in the United Kingdom. The decision for the British market has raised suggestions that Kindle will soon cross the Atlantic Ocean fire.In the Appstore, it is also now available in Germany, France, Italy and Spain and customers gain access to Amazon Android applications with content and a mobile store for each country.It will offer apps free and paid Android for smartphones and tablets. The service was previously only available to us customers since its launch in March 2011.He was the first to remove, due to the fact that not installed on all devices. The Appstore is a direct competitor to the Google games store is pre-installed on most of the Android phones.Mr Evans said that the Amazon Appstore "none set the world on fire". Google Appstore is still pretty bad, so always reach for someone is already, which makes it better."Make Amazon in some ways attempts but not very big hypothesis has, or had, despite the fact that Amazon does not allow any number is difficult to know"


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